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$30.00 USD

What is this course about?

Reading Labels Can be really confusing for people even for dietitians!

The Reading Labels course will help you:

1. Understand the ingredients inside food items
2. Understand the nutrition claims so you don’t get tricked into buying things due to misleading claims
3. Understand how to read the nutrition label


دورة قراءة ملصقات التّغذية كخبيرة


ما هي هذه الدورة؟

يمكن لقراءة الملصقات أن تكون مربكة للأشخاص، حتى لأخصائيّ التغذية


ستساعدك دورة قراءة ملصقات التّغذية كخبيرة على

 فهم المكونات داخل المواد الغذائية -

فهم ادعاءات التغذية حتى لا تنخدعي بشراء أشياء بسبب تلك الادعاءات المضللة -
فهم كيفية قراءة الملصقات الغذائية -


هل يمكنني مشاهدة الدورات متى ما أردت؟

طبعاً! يمكنك مشاهدة الدورات في وقتك الخاص. أنّ مدة هذه الدورات تنتهي بعد مرور عام واحد

إذا واجهت أي مشاكل فنية لأي سبب من الأسباب وتحتاجين إلى تعديل، لا تتردّدي في التواصل معنا على


عرض شهر اكتوبر

يمكنك اختيار هذه الدورة بمفردها مقابل $٣٠

يمكنك اختيار حزمة تغذية الطفل: دورة تقديم الطّعام الصّلب بثقة للأطفال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين ال 6 وال 12 شهراً + دورة تغذية الأطفال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين ال 1 وال 7 سنوات + دورة قراءة ملصقات التّغذية كخبيرة + كتاب الوصفات. سعر هذه الحزمة أصبح ١١٠$ بدلاً من $١٤٩ 

View full details


How does this course work? How will it be sent to me?

This course is a video course that you can watch from any device. Once you make the payment, you will automatically receive an email with the course link. Click on that link and voila!

Please check your junk/spam email if you did not receive it directly to your email. 

What if I don't have time?

The videos are SUPER simple and separated into short videos that can be watched in little intervals. Most moms say it is very practical and useful.

Can I watch the courses whenever I want?

Absolutely! Watch the courses on your own time from your laptop or phone. You can watch it when the kids are asleep, while driving, or whenever you'd like.

If however for any reason you face any technical issues and you need a reset. Please feel free to contact us at

Is it the same information you share on social media?

Absolutely not. I love to share awareness on social media. However, the depth and details found in the course are nowhere to e seen on social media. In addition, the summary guides, most recipes, and schedules and more are ONLY found in the courses.

I want to book private sessions with you, is that possible?

Maya Khalil - Licensed dietitian in my team, highly trained by me, is taking over all of my consultations and we work together on them. She can guide you through your case step by step and provide you with the needed guides and plans.

Email us on to book your spot!

About Mirna

This course is by Mirna Sabbagh- Dietitian and mother. She has helped thousands of mothers over the years and shares information about nutrition from pregnancy until the child is eating healthy independently on her Instagram page where you can get SO many beneficial tips.

For more information about Mirna and her expertise.

Read more about Mirna here
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