Advanced Picky Eating Strategies Masterclass ورشة عمل: حلول لإنتقائية الطعام عند الأطفال مع ميرنا صباغ
Advanced Picky Eating Strategies Masterclass ورشة عمل: حلول لإنتقائية الطعام عند الأطفال مع ميرنا صباغ
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This MasterClass is in English.
Picky eating is very frustrating and worrying for parents. It often puts the child and parent in uncomfortable situations and can put a strain on the child-parent relationship.
Picky eating is complex. Has several reasons and not a single simple straightforward solution.
Mirna Sabbagh has helped hundreds of picky eating families in her consultations. She will be bringing her expertise from her practice into this webinar where she will discuss reasons, solutions, and strategies for prevention and treatment of picky eating.
This masterclass is for any parent who wants to learn how to handle and prevent picky eating for mealtimes that are stress-free and nutritious.
For free resources about picky eating click the following link.
- What are the reasons behind picky eating including the top 9 mistakes parents make which make picky eating worse?
- What are the top 9 foundations for a non-picky eating home?
- What is the 5 step program from picky eater to great eater?
- 20 strategies to reverse picky eating including 5 tested and proven advanced strategies to prevent and reverse picky eating.
- How do I identify if your child is a problematic picky eater or not?
- How do I handle picky eating situations so that they don't turn into family problems?
- The exact words to use to transform any situation into a learning situation that the family can benefit from.
- Any parent who wants to learn about picky eating and prevent it before it starts.
- Any parent struggling with picky eating and wants help on solving the problem.
I am concerned that this masterclass won't help me.
I can (and will help you). I am extremely confident that my picky eating approach will help you and this is why, I am offering a 100% refund on the picky eating MasterClass if it doesn’t help you. All you have to do is send us an email within 30 days of purchasing the course, if you’re not satisfied, I will give it back to your credit card. I will also take your feedback to enhance the course.
So do you have a picky eater? Let me help you. Commitment free.
There is one rule: you must watch all the MasterClass (1.5 hours) before deciding if it’s for you or not ❤️
هذه الدورة الرئيسية باللغة الإنجليزية
ماذا ستتعلمين من هذه الدورة؟
انتقائية الأكل أمر محبط ومقلق للغاية بالنسب للأهل. غالبًا ما يكون الطفل والأهل متواجدين في مواقف غير مريحة ويمكن لذلك أن يضغط على العلاقة بينهم
انتقائية الأكل أمر معقد. لها عدة أسباب ولا وجود لحل واحد، بسيط ومباشر
ساعدت ميرنا صباغ مئات العائلات التي تعاني من إنتقائية الأكل في استشاراتها. وستنقل خبرتها من ممارساتها إلى هذه الدورة الأونلاين حيث ستناقش الأسباب والحلول والاستراتيجيات للوقاية من إنتقائية الأكل وحلوله
هذه الدورة التدريبية مخصصة لأي أهل يريدون تعلّم كيفية التعامل مع إنتقائي الأكل خلال أوقات الوجبات الخالية من الإجهاد والمغذية في الوقت نفسه
ما الذي ستتعلمينه في هذه الدورة الرئيسية؟
ما هي الأسباب الكامنة وراء إنتقائية الأكل، وما هي أهم ٩ أخطاء يرتكبها الأهل والتي تجعل الأمر أسوأ؟
ما هي أهم ٩ أسس لمنزل خال من إنتقائية الأكل؟
ما هو البرنامج المكون من ٥ خطوات لكي يصبح الطفل آكل رائع بدلا من إنتقائي؟
٢٠ استراتيجية لعكس إنتقائية الأكل بما في ذلك ٥ استراتيجيات متقدمة تم اختبارها وثبتت فعاليتها لمنع وعكس إنتقائية الأكل.
كيف يمكنني تحديد ما إذا كان طفلي يعاني من مشكلة انتقائية الأكل أم لا؟
كيف أتعامل مع مواقف الأكل الانتقائية حتى لا تتحول إلى مشاكل عائلية؟
الكلمات الدقيقة التي يجب استخدامها لتحويل أي موقف إلى موقف تعليمي يمكن للعائلة الاستفادة منه.
لمن هذه الفئة الرئيسية؟
أي والد يريد أن يتعلم عن الأكل الانتقائي ومنعه قبل أن يبدأ -
أي والد يعاني من صعوبة إرضاء الأكل ويريد المساعدة في حل المشكلة -
To hear more about what other moms think about the masterclasses, click this link

How does this course work? How will it be sent to me?
This course is a video course that you can watch from any device. Once you make the payment, you will automatically receive an email with the course link. Click on that link and voila!
Please check your junk/spam email if you did not receive it directly to your email.
What if I don't have time?
The videos are SUPER simple and separated into short videos that can be watched in little intervals. Most moms say it is very practical and useful.
Can I watch the courses whenever I want?
Absolutely! Watch the courses on your own time from your laptop or phone. You can watch it when the kids are asleep, while driving, or whenever you'd like.
If however for any reason you face any technical issues and you need a reset. Please feel free to contact us at info@mirnaelsabbagh.com
Is it the same information you share on social media?
Absolutely not. I love to share awareness on social media. However, the depth and details found in the course are nowhere to e seen on social media. In addition, the summary guides, most recipes, and schedules and more are ONLY found in the courses.
I want to book private sessions with you, is that possible?
Maya Khalil - Licensed dietitian in my team, highly trained by me, is taking over all of my consultations and we work together on them. She can guide you through your case step by step and provide you with the needed guides and plans.
Email us on support@mirnaelsabbagh.com to book your spot!
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About Mirna
This course is by Mirna Sabbagh- Dietitian and mother. She has helped thousands of mothers over the years and shares information about nutrition from pregnancy until the child is eating healthy independently on her Instagram page where you can get SO many beneficial tips.
For more information about Mirna and her expertise.