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The Essential Plus Nutrition Package

The Essential Plus Nutrition Package

$97.00 USD

What is included in this package? 

It includes the Feed with Confidence Course below including all the below:

- Back-to-School Busy Mom Guide

What is this course about?

This course is a 2 hours pre-recorded course and can be watched from the comfort of your home on a laptop or phone.

After years of working with parents, I realized that most parents have similar concerns like:

1. Is my child eating enough? Is the growth normal? And is my child getting all the right nutrients?
2. I would love to cook healthy but I seriously don't have enough time or I keep running out of ideas
3. Is my child considered a picky eater? How can I reverse that or prevent it?


The bonuses will also help parents of overweight kids, picky eaters, underweight kids and more!

What will I learn in this course and how does this help me?

This course is about the needed nutrition and approach for children to grow to their fullest physical potential, fullest mental development, and have a healthy immunity and relationship with food.

This easy to follow and practical video course will explain the following:

  • What are the nutrition components and ingredients kids need to grow to their fullest potential such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats and where to find them?
  • What are the vitamins and minerals kids need to grow to their fullest potential? How to avoid deficiencies that can impact the child's health for life?
  • What is the perfect meal for a child? What does the ideal meal plan for the week look like? 
  • How can a parent practically plan the week's meals so that the child can receive all the nutrients they need?
  • How does a parent or caregiver safely prepare food for your child to avoid food poisoning?
  • How can a parent know if a child's growth is normal or not? How do they know if the child is overweight, underweight or normal?
  • How do I know if my child is a picky eater?
  • Solutions for picky eating and ways to prevent it. Such as:
  •  The reasons for picky eating ⁣
  •  The 12 rules for a non-picky eating home ⁣
  •  What to do if your child refuses to eat a meal? ⁣
  •  Solutions for picky eating ⁣

After this course, you will be confident in the food choices you give your child and also armed with tools on how to handle any situation. 

Along with the MasterClasses  (click on each masterclass below to know it's details)



- Hidden names of sugar اسامي السكر اللتي يجب الانتباه منها
- Organic vs. Inorganic List for Fruits and vegetables ما الخضار الافضل شرائها عضوية
- Shopping Grocery List قائمة المشتريات
- Food Safety Guidelines
- Helpful Cooking Tips
- How to Decrease Toxins Guidelines
- Constipation for Babies: Causes and Solutions
- Guidelines for children with CMPA (Cow's milk protein allergy)
- Shopping and Storage Tips
- Weight Gain Recommendations for Children Above Age of 1

 Curious to know what mothers think of this course? Find the testimonials below.


How does the course work? Will it be sent to me?

This course is a video course that you can watch from any device. Once you make the payment, you will automatically receive an email with the course link. Click on that link and voila!

Who is this course for?

  • Any parent who wants to learn about picky eating and prevent it before it starts or help reverse it.
  • Any parent who wants to learn how to help a child make better choices and solve their rapid weight gain causing the child to be overweight or obese.
  •  Any parent looking to help their child gain weight.

Can I watch the course whenever I want? 

Yes! You can watch the course on your own time. Please note however that the course duration expires after 1 year. 

If however for any reason you face any technical issues and you need a reset. Please feel free to contact us at

What if I don't have time?

The courses are split into short videos that can be watched in little intervals. They are made to be effective, straight to the point, and practical to apply. Mothers find the courses practical and life-saving. Let us know what you think!



  • You can opt for the this package for $110.



This course is by Mirna Sabbagh - Dietitian and mother. She has helped thousands of mothers over the years and shares information about nutrition from pregnancy until the child is eating healthy independently on her Instagram page where you can get SO many beneficial tips. For more information about Mirna and her expertise. 


To read more on what moms think about this course, click this link.


ما هو موضوع هذه الدورة؟

هذه الدورة عبارة عن دورة مسجلة مسبقًا لمدة ساعتين ويمكنك مشاهدتها وأنتِ مرتاحة في منزلك على الكمبيوتر المحمول أو حتى هاتفك

child nutrition course by adult and child nutritionist in dubai

بعد سنوات من العمل مع الأهل، أدركت أن معظمهم لديهم مخاوف مماثلة ك

١. هل طفلي يأكل ما يكفي؟ هل نموه طبيعي؟ وهل يحصل طفلي على جميع العناصر الغذائية الصحيحة؟

٢. أحب أن أطهو طعامًا صحيًا ولكنني لا أملك الوقت الكافي لذلك أو حتى تنفذ مني الأفكار باستمرار

٣. هل يعتبر طفلي من الصعب إرضاءه في تناول الطعام؟ كيف يمكنني عكس ذلك أو منع حصوله؟


child nutrition course by adult and child nutritionist in dubai

ما الذي سأتعلمه في هذه الدورة التدريبية وكيف سيساعدني هذا؟


لقد جمعت كل الإجابات والحلول لهذه المخاوف في هذه الدورة. أقدم لكِ التالي

خطط الوجبات التي توفر لطفلك الاحتياجات الغذائية الكاملة إلى جانب الوصفات الصحية -

شرح لكيفية معرفة ما إذا كان نمو طفلك طبيعياً أم لا -

حلول للأكل الانتقائي وطرق الوقاية منه. مثل -

أسباب انتقائية الأكل

القواعد الـ 12 لمنزلٍ خالٍ من انتقائىّ الأكل

ماذا تفعلين إذا ما رفض طفلك تناول وجبة؟

حلول لانتقائية الأكل


بالإضافة إلى المزيد من مقاطع الفيديو وخطة وجبات صحية


child nutrition course by adult and child nutritionist in dubai

بعد هذه الدورة، ستكونين واثقة من الخيارات الغذائية التي تقدمينها لطفلك وستكونين مسلحة بالأدوات حول كيفية التعامل مع أي موقف

child nutrition course by adult and child nutritionist in dubai

adult and child nutritionist dubai Mirna Sabbagh

ستحصلين مجاناً على

 أسماء مخفية للسكر -

قائمة للفاكهة والخضروات العضوية وغير العضوية -

قائمة للتسوق -

إرشادات حول سلامة الغذاء -

نصائح مفيدة للطبخ -

إرشادات حول كيفية تقليل السموم -

الإمساك للأطفال: الأسباب والحلول -

إرشادات للأطفال المصابين بحساسية بروتين حليب البقر (CMPA) -

نصائح للتسوق والتخزين -

توصيات لزيادة وزن للأطفال فوق عمر السنة -

 استراتيجيات للتعامل مع الأطفال انتقائيي الأكل (٦٧$) -

الفطام من زجاجة (٤٩$) -

child nutrition course by mirna adult and child nutritionist

كيف تعمل الدورة؟ وهل سيتم إرسالها إلي؟

هذه الدورات هي دورات فيديو يمكنك مشاهدتها من أي جهاز. بمجرد إنهاء عمليّة الدّفع، ستتلقين تلقائيًا رسالة عبر البريد الإلكتروني تحتوي على رابط الحزمة. اضغطي على الرابط

child nutrition course by adult and child nutritionist in dubai

لمن هي هذه الباقة؟

للأم التي تريد التعرف على التغذية السليمة أثناء الحمل -

للأمّ التي تواجه صعوبات مع الرضاعة الطبيعية وزيادة إدرار الحليب وهي بحاجة للمساعدة  -


adult and child nutritionist

هل يمكنني مشاهدة الدورات متى ما أردت؟

طبعاً! يمكنك مشاهدة الدورات في وقتك الخاص. أنّ مدة هذه الدورات تنتهي بعد مرور عام واحد. إذا واجهت أي مشاكل تقنية لأي سبب من الأسباب وتحتاجين إلى تعديل، لا تتردّدي في التواصل معنا على


ماذا لو لم يكن لدي الوقت؟

يتم تقسيم الدورات إلى مقاطع فيديو قصيرة يمكنك مشاهدتها على فترات زمنية قصيرة. لقد صُنعت لتكون فعالة، لتصبّ مباشرة في صلب الموضوع، ولتكون عمليّة للتطبيق. تجد الأمهات هذه الدورات عمليّة ومنقذة للحياة. شاركي رأيك معنا


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How does this course work? How will it be sent to me?

This course is a video course that you can watch from any device. Once you make the payment, you will automatically receive an email with the course link. Click on that link and voila!

Please check your junk/spam email if you did not receive it directly to your email. 

What if I don't have time?

The videos are SUPER simple and separated into short videos that can be watched in little intervals. Most moms say it is very practical and useful.

Can I watch the courses whenever I want?

Absolutely! Watch the courses on your own time from your laptop or phone. You can watch it when the kids are asleep, while driving, or whenever you'd like.

If however for any reason you face any technical issues and you need a reset. Please feel free to contact us at

Is it the same information you share on social media?

Absolutely not. I love to share awareness on social media. However, the depth and details found in the course are nowhere to e seen on social media. In addition, the summary guides, most recipes, and schedules and more are ONLY found in the courses.

I want to book private sessions with you, is that possible?

Maya Khalil - Licensed dietitian in my team, highly trained by me, is taking over all of my consultations and we work together on them. She can guide you through your case step by step and provide you with the needed guides and plans.

Email us on to book your spot!

About Mirna

This course is by Mirna Sabbagh- Dietitian and mother. She has helped thousands of mothers over the years and shares information about nutrition from pregnancy until the child is eating healthy independently on her Instagram page where you can get SO many beneficial tips.

For more information about Mirna and her expertise.

Read more about Mirna here
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