Child nutrition

كيف لي أن أعرف ما إذا كان وزن طفلي طبيعي، أو أن...
.أسئلة تجيب عليها ميرنا الصباغ، أخصائية تغذية للأطفال والراشدين في دبي معظم الأهل لا يعلمون ما إذا كان وزن أطفالهم طبيعي، أم أنّهم يعانون من الوزن الزائد أو من...
كيف لي أن أعرف ما إذا كان وزن طفلي طبيعي، أو أن...
.أسئلة تجيب عليها ميرنا الصباغ، أخصائية تغذية للأطفال والراشدين في دبي معظم الأهل لا يعلمون ما إذا كان وزن أطفالهم طبيعي، أم أنّهم يعانون من الوزن الزائد أو من...

Dairy Products for my Baby: What Should I Do?
As mothers, we care about supplying our babies with all their needs of vitamins, including calcium from dairy products, but how healthy is that? Mothers often wonder whether it’s safe...
Dairy Products for my Baby: What Should I Do?
As mothers, we care about supplying our babies with all their needs of vitamins, including calcium from dairy products, but how healthy is that? Mothers often wonder whether it’s safe...

Am I Depriving my Child of Sugar?
“Don’t deprive your child of sugar, they’ll end up eating the whole cake.” I’ve heard this sentence countless times throughout my motherhood! Our society gives excuses for literally everything, except...
Am I Depriving my Child of Sugar?
“Don’t deprive your child of sugar, they’ll end up eating the whole cake.” I’ve heard this sentence countless times throughout my motherhood! Our society gives excuses for literally everything, except...

How to Give Your Children Healthy Food During V...
Getting your children to eat healthy food on normal days is not that of an easy task, so how about trying healthy food on an outing or a vacation? It...
How to Give Your Children Healthy Food During V...
Getting your children to eat healthy food on normal days is not that of an easy task, so how about trying healthy food on an outing or a vacation? It...

Finish your plate - خلّص صحنك | Mirna Sabbagh n...
The below video and article are written by Mirna Sabbagh. Mirna Sabbagh, an adult and child dietitian, nutritionist, and lactation consultant. She also has several digital courses: Pregnancy Nutrition Course, breastfeeding course, starting...
Finish your plate - خلّص صحنك | Mirna Sabbagh n...
The below video and article are written by Mirna Sabbagh. Mirna Sabbagh, an adult and child dietitian, nutritionist, and lactation consultant. She also has several digital courses: Pregnancy Nutrition Course, breastfeeding course, starting...

Baby Led Weaning or Puree?
Is Puree (mashed food) better or is it Baby Led Weaning? Mothers usually can’t decide how best to feed their baby when he/she starts eating. This article aims to provide...
Baby Led Weaning or Puree?
Is Puree (mashed food) better or is it Baby Led Weaning? Mothers usually can’t decide how best to feed their baby when he/she starts eating. This article aims to provide...